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Would my child benefit from testing?

Because testing deepens our understanding of a child’s functioning (both their strengths and their challenges), many children benefit from testing! Concerns can range from mild to more serious. By starting with a parent's observations, then adding the type of information learned through testing, a more robust picture of a child’s functioning emerges which enables us to identify effective and supportive interventions.

Here is a sample of the types of questions assessment can answer:

  • "It takes my child hours to complete simple homework assignments - what can we do to help?"
  • "My daughter is very bright, but struggling in school – might she have a learning disability?"
  • “My son either seem highly distracted or hyper focused – what could help in this situation?”
  • "Other students have stopped inviting my son to birthday parties, he seems a bit lost socially – is there something we can do?"

Testing can help answer questions related to school performance, learning style, cognitive development, emotional well-being, peer relationships, family relationships, executive functioning (e.g., attention, memory, organization, problem-solving) and more.

What type of testing does my child need?

There are a number of different types of evaluations available for children, adolescents, and young adults. Consultation with the examiner will help identify which is needed.

What does testing entail?

Intake Evaluation. The testing process starts with an in-depth conversation between the examiner and the parents, called an intake evaluation. This is an opportunity to learn about your concerns for your child and to take a detailed history. Additionally, this is a chance for you to ask any questions you have about the testing process.  Based on this conversation, we are able to design a comprehensive evaluation plan for your child.

Testing Session(s). Depending on your child’s age (and stamina), testing will either be conducted in one or two sessions.  A scheduled break will be taken half-way through the session, with additional breaks taken as needed throughout the process.

Feedback Session(s). In the week following testing, a feedback session will be scheduled during which the results and recommendations of the assessment will be explained to parents. An additional feedback session is often scheduled for the children themselves.  This enables them to receive a developmentally-appropriate explanation of 1) their strengths, and 2) the helpful support that could be on the way. 

Report. In the weeks following the feedback, parents will be provided with a comprehensive written report, providing a description of the measures administered, an analysis of the test results, and detailed recommendations.

How should I prepare my child for testing?

For school-aged children, you can explain that they are going to take part in a series of activities with the evaluator so that we can understand how they learn.  Some of the activities will seem like puzzles, others like schoolwork, and maybe even a couple will seem like games.  (However, please don’t overstate the likelihood of fun games, as this will set up unreasonable expectations for the session.)  Let them know that they will always be given clear instructions, and that they are always welcome to ask questions.

For preschool-aged children, you can explain that the examiner is a lot like a teacher. Let them know that they will engage in a number of activities, similar to the types of tasks they do at school.

It is recommended that children receive a good night of sleep prior to testing and that they have a good breakfast that morning. It is a good idea to bring preferred snacks, as there will be breaks throughout the session.

As a parent, what can I expect to learn from an evaluation?

A well-designed evaluation can take you from knowing THAT your child is having difficulty in a certain area to knowing WHY. This is a vital step, because understanding why your child may be presenting with certain behaviors is essential to addressing and changing them. For example, there are a number of reasons why a 10-year-old boy might not want to do his math homework. Identifying whether this is the result of a learning disability, attentional difficulty, or mood difficulty (to name only a few) will be essential to finding the right intervention.

How much does testing cost?

The exact cost for an evaluation varies based on the scope of testing and the details of your insurance plan.  Pleases discuss this with our team.

Does the practice accept insurance?

Currently, our practice accepts Blue Cross/Blue Shield.  This covers part, but not all, of the cost of the assessment.  The specifics regarding coverage depend on the scope of testing and the individual insurance plan.  This can be discussed with our team.

Does the practice accept credit cards?

Yes. Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express cards are accepted.

How do I get started?

Call 617-751-4020 or email DrGlover@DrRobynGlover.com with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

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