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Neuropsychological Evaluations

The goal of a neuropsychological evaluation is to improve a family’s understanding of a child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses in order to identify targeted and effective interventions. The evaluation consists of a comprehensive intake interview, followed by 4 to 6 hours of testing, culminating in an explanatory feedback session that presents the results in one coherent picture. A number of areas of functioning are assessed including:

  • Intellectual/Cognitive abilities
  • Academic (achievement) skills
  • Executive Functioning (e.g., attention, organizational skills)
  • Learning and memory skills
  • Language skills screening
  • Visual-motor and visual spatial skills screening
  • Emotional/personality functioning
  • Social/Adaptive functioning

A neuropsychological assessment can be instrumental in understanding a child's learning style and approach processing information in the world around them.

Testing For Accommodations

(e.g., extended time on exams)

In order to qualify for accommodations on standardized tests (e.g., ISEE, SSAT, SAT, ACT) and in a child's academic environment, an independent evaluation is often required to document a student’s need for extra support.  These evaluations frequently entail cognitive, academic, and executive functioning testing.  The exact nature of such an assessment depends on the student’s recent testing history and their qualifying disability.

School Admissions Testing

Many independent schools, and some competitive public schools, require standardized testing as part of the admissions process. Most often, this entails IQ testing, achievement testing, or both. The goal of such testing is to help families and schools understand if there is a good fit between the student and the educational program/institution.

Parent Consultation

Parents are welcome to schedule a consultation with me at any time following their child’s evaluation and feedback session. The reasons for such consultation include discussing strategies for implementing recommendations in detail and discussing a child’s progress in the months following the assessment.

Gifted & Talented Testing

Assessing for superior intellect can be the first step toward identifying an appropriate educational program for your child, gaining access to enrichment programs, and connecting your child to other gifted children. Many schools and programs for gifted and talented students require independent evaluations as part of the admissions process or to qualify for special gifted programming. Most often, this entails IQ testing, achievement testing, or both.

Consultation with Other Professionals

(e.g., Pediatricians, Psychiatrists, Tutors)

An important aspect of implementing the recommendations that result from testing is comprehensive communication with other professionals in your child’s life.  Such consultation is helpful, both before and after testing is completed, to be sure all pertinent information is collected and shared.

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